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//! Floating-point control and status.
use crate::system_register_access;
use tartan_bitfield::bitfield;
use tartan_c_enum::c_enum;
bitfield! {
/// `FPCR`: Influences floating-point instruction execution.
pub struct ControlRegister(u64) {
/// `AHP`: Use an alternative format for half-precision floats when converting
/// to/from other formats. Otherwise, use the IEEE half-precision format.
[26] pub alternative_half_precision_format,
/// `DN`: Always use the default encoding for NaN results. Otherwise, use the
/// encoding from an input operand.
[25] pub default_nan,
/// `FZ`: When a result would be denormal, yield zero instead. Otherwise, use the
/// IEEE 754 behavior.
[24] pub flush_to_zero,
/// `RMode`: The IEEE 754 rounding mode in use.
[22..24] pub rounding_mode: u8 as RoundingMode,
/// `FZ16`: Counterpart to [`flush_to_zero`](Self::flush_to_zero) for
/// half-precision calculations.
/// Requires `FEAT_FP16`.
[19] pub flush_to_zero_half_precision,
/// For each type of floating-point exception, defines whether the error will be
/// trapped. If false, the corresponding flag in [`StatusRegister::exceptions`]
/// will be set instead.
[ 8..16] pub trapped_exceptions: u8 as Exceptions,
system_register_access!(ControlRegister, "FPCR");
bitfield! {
/// `FPSR`: Indicates non-trapped floating-point exceptions.
pub struct StatusRegister(u64) {
/// Indicates any non-trapped exceptions that have been detected since these flags
/// were last reset.
[ 0.. 8] pub exceptions: u8 as Exceptions,
system_register_access!(StatusRegister, "FPSR");
c_enum! {
/// Floating-point rounding mode, as defined by IEEE 754.
pub enum RoundingMode(u8) {
/// Round to the nearest number, with ties toward even numbers.
/// Round toward positive infinity.
/// Round toward negative infinity.
/// Round toward zero (truncate).
bitfield! {
/// Status/mask bits for each type of floating-point exception.
pub struct Exceptions(u8) {
/// `DN`: An operand was a denormal number.
[7] denormal_input,
/// `IX`: A result was rounded.
[4] inexact,
/// `UF`: A result was too small to be represented accurately.
[3] underflow,
/// `OF`: A result was too large to be represented accurately.
[2] overflow,
/// `DZ`: Attempted to divide a number by zero (other than zero or infinity, which
/// raises an [`invalid_operation`] instead).
[1] divide_by_zero,
/// `IO`: Attempted a mathematically undefined operation, such as infinity minus
/// infinity.
[0] invalid_operation,