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//! Access to I/O space
use core::arch::asm;
/// Read an 8-bit value from the port at the given address in I/O space.
/// # Safety
/// This is an extremely low-level operation that can do anything: trigger an interrupt,
/// overwrite arbitrary memory with DMA, shut down the system, launch a missile. Use with
/// caution.
pub unsafe fn in_u8(addr: u16) -> u8 {
let data: u8;
"in al, dx",
out("al") data,
in("dx") addr,
/// Read a 16-bit value from the port at the given address in I/O space.
/// # Safety
/// This is an extremely low-level operation that can do anything: trigger an interrupt,
/// overwrite arbitrary memory with DMA, shut down the system, launch a missile. Use with
/// caution.
pub unsafe fn in_u16(addr: u16) -> u16 {
let data: u16;
"in ax, dx",
out("ax") data,
in("dx") addr,
/// Read a 32-bit value from the port at the given address in I/O space.
/// # Safety
/// This is an extremely low-level operation that can do anything: trigger an interrupt,
/// overwrite arbitrary memory with DMA, shut down the system, launch a missile. Use with
/// caution.
pub unsafe fn in_u32(addr: u16) -> u32 {
let data: u32;
"in eax, dx",
out("eax") data,
in("dx") addr,
/// Write an 8-bit value to the port at the given address in I/O space.
/// # Safety
/// This is an extremely low-level operation that can do anything: trigger an interrupt,
/// overwrite arbitrary memory with DMA, shut down the system, launch a missile. Use with
/// caution.
pub unsafe fn out_u8(addr: u16, data: u8) {
"out dx, al",
in("al") data,
in("dx") addr,
/// Write a 16-bit value to the port at the given address in I/O space.
/// # Safety
/// This is an extremely low-level operation that can do anything: trigger an interrupt,
/// overwrite arbitrary memory with DMA, shut down the system, launch a missile. Use with
/// caution.
pub unsafe fn out_u16(addr: u16, data: u16) {
"out dx, ax",
in("ax") data,
in("dx") addr,
/// Write a 16-bit value to the port at the given address in I/O space.
/// # Safety
/// This is an extremely low-level operation that can do anything: trigger an interrupt,
/// overwrite arbitrary memory with DMA, shut down the system, launch a missile. Use with
/// caution.
pub unsafe fn out_u32(addr: u16, data: u32) {
"out dx, eax",
in("eax") data,
in("dx") addr,